Album: Circulation
Genre: Garage Rock
First Impression: Future Famous
Rating: 4/5
JPNSGRLS, (pronounced Japanese Girls), that’s right, these dudes are not only setting out to slay the rock and roll scene but also the babes in true Taekwondo fashion. With stage kicks and drum stick tosses, guitar flips and stage dives… (Well that’s how I picture it in my head… The scene is completed by crowd surfing on fuzzy kittens guiding them along the way. “IT’S SO FLUFFY!!”)
These guys not only know how to play their instruments, they prove they were not grown in a lab, but were most likely stuck in one with a pen and a pad as Dr. Dre would say… I think there is a lot to be said about that, with today’s labels just putting out as much content as possible to see if something sticks. The difference is that with JPNSGRLS they have put their blood, sweat and tears, with zero spit from their fans, thus avoiding the Hep C! (-Good Job- Tim & Eric’s Awesome Show… Google it!)
Upon first listen of Circulation I was quickly set into a genre, nothing worse than an album with no direction and this was far from it! I strapped in and was ready to listen 10 more times, they stayed true to their form and sound! Even more impressive is that not one song sounded the same; that my friends, is an achievement on its own… To own and master your sound and songs to any form you choose!
The stage has been set with this debut album and the future is very exciting for these guys, I gave it a 4/5 because I want 5 more albums with the current passion and drive I heard on every song…. Please don’t pull a Korn and become now indistinguishable from their roots from which they came.
I got to meet and review a band before they have the opportunity to pretend like they don’t know who I am… (Remember that one time I asked you to play tag on camera?)
I will be looking forward to the next album and going on the next trip with ya’ll
#EWestMusic and tell us your thoughts on the album and how you would rate it!
Thanks for reading,
Daryl (Drock) Uhrin
Favourite songs:
1. Smalls
2. Tiger
3. Brandon
7. Tennis Shoes
8. Southern Comforting
11. David and Goliath
12. Oh No Echoes
JPNSGRLS videos:
Similar Artists:
The Strokes
Vampire Weekend
The Hives
Eagles of Death Metal
Bloc Party
My Rating System:
1 – Give it another listen, it might be your thing
2 – I like a song or two, buy what you like and support the artist
3 – Great band with a lot of talent, buy their album, tweet about it and tell the world
4 – Amazing, listen to it on repeat, every song is good, go see them live and buy the album
5 – New favourite album or band, go buy the LP, see them live, buy a t-shirt and have them sign my bare chest
11 – Because sometimes you need to crank it to 11