Music is life, no? At least so says a T-Shirt I received for Christmas a couple years ago, but I tend to agree. As a shy, awkward teenager it at least gave me something I was longing for at the time: an identity. While I may no longer be a shy, awkward teenager (still awkward, perhaps), I continue to find identity in music. The bands I love, the songs that speak to me, as well as the songs I write that allow me to express what it is that I really want to say.
"Music is power" - Richard Ashcroft

Derek Green
My basic approach to music has always been the (overly?) reductivist: Good is good. I’m not too concerned over genres, though I might have a couple in particular I prefer. Instead, I find that the best music is found when genres are abandoned. Skilled musicians can find a welcome ear regardless of whether through a bunch of ones and zeros or an old steel guitar.
Growing up I listened to a lot of Rage Against the Machine, Soundgarden, Supertramp, Queen, and have been slowly making my way towards the blues. What I’ve always liked about music is how you can resonate just as strongly, yet completely differently, with entirely distinct artists.
Some are bearing their soul, others just want to light a match and laugh while the building burns. Good is good. Happy listening.

Jade Boyenko
Music has always been such a big part of my life. It's one of those things that is always there for you, no matter what your mood may be. When I was about 3, my dad played air guitar and my brother played drums as I belted out Cindy Lauper. I have always had a very eclectic taste in music. In elementary school, I think I was the only kid that really liked songs of the 50's, Duke of Earl, Peggy Sue. Music definitely touches me deep in my soul. It has been there for me in my darkest of days and also brought me lots of happiness in the best of times!
"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
- Bob Marley

Melissa Henderson
Much like a scent can evoke an emotional response or memory, upon hearing any song off Michael Jackson's Dangerous album, I am instantly transported 23 years in the past and I find myself driving through the Black Forest with my family off on an adventure!
Throughout life's journey I have been developing into this current version of myself, and have noticed that above all my taste in music has best reflected who I feel I am.
Listen in on my life soundtrack and you will find a range of genres from Punk to Metal to Christian to Disney, easily summing up who I am as Loud, Happy and Animated!
"My greatest gift to you
is a dance floor
free from insecurity"

Shelby Lechman
As is the case for so many others, music for me is something that reawakens past memories and feelings. Some of my earliest experiences that I remember through music are the ones I have travelling to the lake with my dad, singing the lyrics to Charlie Major’s debut album "The Other Side". While music continues to record past moments of mine, over the years it has also become a source of inspiration for me. Music gives me the motivation and creativity to paint, something I thoroughly enjoy. Names such as Christina Perri, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fleetwood Mac, Andy Shauf, Theophilus London, Powder Blue and Toby Keith all instantly make me want to push some paint around on a blank canvas. It is music’s ability to influence me not only as an artist, but also as a person, that will maintain my love for it throughout my life.
“choose not a life of imitation” – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tim Henderson
To me, music can't be replaced by anything else! I have a serious respect for almost all art forms, but only music can convey an emotion or feeling through sound alone. Of course we all have our favorite genres, and everyone hears music differently. I enjoy everything from Classical, to EDM, to Bluegrass, to Hard Hitting Death Metal! I basically enjoy any form that requires talent.
"I'll look back with honour and no regrets
I won't be mad, won't feel bad
These memories will never leave me"
Behind the Scenes

Kato Ferrer
There are a lot of things that you can taste, and smell that can bring back different emotions and moods. For me music works the same way. What ever mood I’m in there’s always a song I’m my music library that just fits. When ever I’m at a martial arts tournament there’s always a song to hype me up, and when I’m feeling down there’s always something to brighten my day.
If one were to listen to the soundtrack to my life they would find a lot of hip hop/ rap, quit a bit of R&B, and a little sprinkle of rock here and there.
“Day dreaming this real world
They be living that fake life
I take life and I go fast
I don’t see no break lights”
-OCD: Moosh & Twist

Daryl Uhrin
I was introduced to music through headphones on my mother’s womb. I was born with the lyrics of Rocket Man by Elton John on the tip of my tongue, and a strange urge to commit the Crime of the Century by Supertramp. I quickly found my heart belonged with the Punk/Metal/Hardcore scene. I found myself picking out the guitar, bass or drums for hours, being just amazed by the speed, talent and rawness they used to share their story, vision and experiences with us.
Favorite band: Gogol Bordello; no matter your age you will enjoy the diversity
“If the kids all united they would never be divided” -Rancid