Hey all!
Wednesday night I had the opportunity to see LIGHTS live for the second time, although it’s been 4 years since the last. The Synth Pop Queen rocked O’Brien’s Event Centre on November 26, 2014 here in Saskatoon, and it was definitely a rad show. We waited for about half an hour in line outside the venue to get the best seats in the house – the front of the pit. The opening band was Wildlife, another Canadian band from Toronto. They were super high energy with intense drum solos and crazy alternative beats. The band knew exactly how to get the crowd going, even getting us to yell obscenities on the count of three (everyone likes to swear at the top of their lungs, right?)
After Wildlife was done rocking out and knocking back beers onstage, we cheered on the roadies switching out equipment, knowing how hard they were working in the -28 C weather. The main attraction herself came out around 9 PM, looking amazing as always. She was rocking a Venice tank top and had her usual bubbly yet hardcore stage presence. The show was mainly chocked full of Little Machines songs (her latest album), but she brought back some of our old favourites as well, such as My Boots, The Last Thing on Your Mind, and Drive My Soul.
Everyone in the crowd was excited and pumped up, as well as friendly. The entire show was a fun time from the beginning, even waiting in the line up with other crazy fans. After the show, LIGHTS went to her bus to put Rocket, her 9 month old daughter, to bed. Going from wowing a copious amount of fans, to wowing her biggest fan, LIGHTS is a true artist.
Overall, a high energy show with genuine fans, a rockin’ opening band, and an amazing display of Canadian talent. 5 stars.
Did anyone else attend a show on the Little Machines tour, or are you planning on seeing one? Write about it in the comments, we’d love to hear your feedback!

LIGHTS and I in 2010